Thursday, January 21, 2010

Practical 8 & 9: “My Dream Holiday”

My dream holiday is to visit europe, paris. Paris is a place full of beautiful scenary, museum, wonderful fine dining, and especially their unique culture.

Taken from

From this web, i am able to know about paris. It has many function for the tourist to know more about that country. They do provide information on how to get around the country, how is the weather going to be like.  The purpose of this website is to give the tourist a rough information about the country before getting there, and maybe to attract other tourist to get to their country by featuring many different attraction they offer. They also have a column for visitors to plan their schedule for their trip, they have accomadation, shopping, restaurant,  and even sight-seeing.

Personally, i would like to explore paris myself, getting to know the way, finding all the insides shopping destination which includes good and delicious food. I also would like to experience the life of staying in such a big and beautiful country. I would like to take at look at the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame or Sacré Coeur. They are the important sight seeing in paris. Or rather, they made up paris.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

If i were to have $500, i would purchase the following items.
Candies or rather any sweet foood, Fashion handbags, Pretty Dresses, and a nice pair of heels to match everything! (:

I love to eat. Seriously, i would love to use this amount of money to get many food that i like. For example, cupcakes. The above picture are the cupcakes i usually buy from the market. Usually, i would choose those nicely decorated or they offer special flavour.

I love to shop. Especially dress, for a normal young lady, all of us would want to dress up nicely to go for work or school. With this amount of money, i could go buy many many dress to dress up. I can get this online, or rather shops at town.

I love collecting shoe. With the given amount, i can buy many many shoe to match my clothes and bags. I would buy those that i like and not by the price.

I think by the end of this shopping spree, i would spend around 400dollars. With the help of online shopping, its is cheaper for students like us or rather busy working adults. With just a click, things are easier to be done. Nowadays, there are many online shop, be it local or oversea.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

My name is Pek Jiamin, you can call me, Jm or Jiamin. I am in diploma in Baking and Culinary Science(BCS). My favourite past time is shopping, chit chat with friends, online, wed surfing. Favourite music is R&B. Favourite
TV show, Gossip girls. Favourite hangout place, Town, Spins. My favourite internet sites, any online blog shop, facebook, blogger, twitter, my friend's blog. :)

One hobby that i am passionate about is going online to blog. Sometimes, when i am bored, and i have a computer beside, i tends to blog or twit. In a day, i can blog up to like three post. As i believe, this is somewhere i can have the freedom to say what i want, and express my feelings.