Thursday, January 21, 2010

Practical 8 & 9: “My Dream Holiday”

My dream holiday is to visit europe, paris. Paris is a place full of beautiful scenary, museum, wonderful fine dining, and especially their unique culture.

Taken from

From this web, i am able to know about paris. It has many function for the tourist to know more about that country. They do provide information on how to get around the country, how is the weather going to be like.  The purpose of this website is to give the tourist a rough information about the country before getting there, and maybe to attract other tourist to get to their country by featuring many different attraction they offer. They also have a column for visitors to plan their schedule for their trip, they have accomadation, shopping, restaurant,  and even sight-seeing.

Personally, i would like to explore paris myself, getting to know the way, finding all the insides shopping destination which includes good and delicious food. I also would like to experience the life of staying in such a big and beautiful country. I would like to take at look at the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame or Sacré Coeur. They are the important sight seeing in paris. Or rather, they made up paris.

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